Try Our App!

Save yourself from doing laundry! Download the Hot Loads Laundry app for iOS or Google Play

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Laundry Delivered

Free yourself from the stress of laundry!

Our $25 standard bag costs less than the average food delivery order. For the price of one meal that's around 2 full loads of laundry! If you want to save time while staying on top of your laundry, we are the solution you've been waiting for.

Make ordering a breeze with our new mobile applications.

Save Time

Always Available

24 Hour Turnaround

Friendly Support

Place Your Order

Select your desired order and our local drivers will be around in a matter of hours to deliver your laundry bags. Bags are free of charge and yours to keep and re-use.

Laundry For Any Schedule


Schedule Pickup Time


Schedule Delivery Time


Choose Order Frequency

(No Commitment)


Leave The Laundry To Us!

What People Say About Us

Give Us A Try!

Check out the app and let Hot Loads Laundry simplify your laundry routine with convenient pick-up and Delivery. Download the app, Schedule a pick-up, and we'll handle the rest.

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